April 23, 2007

Busy days...

I have quiet much to tell ,because my last days were hard and my appointment calender is sooo full. I have never more than one day free for the next weeks I think ,but lets start with the past. Friday was my 18th birthday and I am so incredible happy now =DD
I take part in a camp from my school as a carer and we had the 2nd preparation for the camp on friday. We started with planning all the days and in the evenig we celebrated a bit. It was a funny night and I was deadly drunk in the end :-P . Me and a girl ( called Mirijam ) "invented" a cool drinking-game ( named ZÄÄÄB ) which "killed" me ,because I lost a lot. I just post a few cool pictures of that night:

I will update later , because it's too stressfull at the moment

Saturday I had a hard hangover till about nine o'clock in the evening ... it only stoped , because I began to drink again. I went to a birthday ( from Britta ) , where a lot of my friends were and it was huge fun. It is a other circle of friends of mine and I see some of them very raley and it is always a big amusment when I met them talking about old times and stuff :-))
I left the party at about three till four o clock and I went home by foot with two girls. The way is about seven kilometers and I can't really think why , but I went home on my socks :-O
Sunday I had of cause again a big hangover and spent my day at home. Today I went to my theater group and I got the date ,when the premiere is ( 02.06. ) and so I have to spent some more time with the samples the next month.
Another cool thing I want you to tell is ,that I get from next month on my child benefit ,which is about 150 euros a month. By the fact I get almost everything here from my parents , 150 euros are such a lot money for me and I feel kinda rich :D

So far , greetings Riou

Hearing : KT Tunstall - Suddenly I See

April 15, 2007

Drunk poet society on bloodthirstiness

I had some funny nights the last day and that's why I gonna blog some now.
It started thursday at Uwe's house with some poker and drinking stuff. I lost three round ,but it was quiet a lot fun. I drunk some kind of rum ( Canario ) and it wasn't bad. Around 3 o'clok we went to the beach and the sky was full of stars ,we took some plastic chairs and sat about 2 hours in front of the sea ,drunk some and "sandfighted" =D
After we arrived at Uwe's home one of us drove home, one tried to sleep (Jonas) and the other three ( Uwe , Tobi and me) started to write poems about each other on toilet paiper. Uwe could save some of them which I gonna publish here . Unfortunally they are on german and it's kinda impossible to translate them ( I won't correct the writingmistakes ) :

From me to Tobi :

tobi,tobi,eine ode an tobi !!!

tobi du bist wie ein stein, steine reden nicht viel und sind
hart wie stein. die meisten steine sind schwul, aber sie wissen es nicht. tobi du bist wie ein stein! steine können sich nicht wehren. tobi du bist wie ein stein. aber wenn du eins bist tobi
dann bist du hart wie stein. tobi du bist wie ein stein...

From Uwe to me :

Der Borsti

Er ist sick und klein,
nicht schick, ich würd gern weinen
wie soll ich ihn bechreiben
ohne bei dem versuch zu leiden

ohne kommerz
sein name ist schmerz

scheiß auf den namen
bleiben wir im rahmen

ohne weiter zu schreiben
ein freund soll er bleiben

From Tobi to Jonas:


in deinem namen stckt arsch
und auch so bist du relativ barsch
quasi ziemlich harsch
und obwohl du ein arsch bist,
bist du wie wir

From Uwe to Jonas:

wie soll es anders sein:
klein aber fein!

ohne scheiß
und ohne fleiß.

begabt in kunst
mit götter gunst

gesegnet und geheiligt

From me to Jonas:

Heil Jonas!

heil jonas...so mag manch einer dich begrüßen,
aber ich nicht...ich sehe den stein hinter
der fassade. Jay du bist ein freund. J du bist immer
für mich da. ein guter. J du bist ein freund...und wenn
ich so drüber nachdenke vermag ich auch zu rufen
heil jonas ,denn du bist ein guter

After I read them today I asserted that we were sickly drunk O_O
After some "Wrapping-Uwe-with-toiletpaiper" action I tried to sleep at about 6 o'clock in the hallway , but the sun rose quickly and Uwe's dogs started to bark .

Friday I was invented to a birthdayparty at a disco called Fantasy. We started to drink at Jonas house ( his new cognomen is jay or only j ) and went to the disco at about 23:00. The party was cool , but our Wodka was kinda fast empty and I was hungry as hell. Therefore jay and me went outside searching some food , we didn't found anything and went back afterwards we reached some dark streets. When we arrived we saw some people pushing themeselves hardly and after one guy was pushed to the ground the brawl went heavy. One sick guy pulled out a knife and threated the others. Due to that even more guys went sick destroying bottles and "rethreated" that guy. Because I was a bit drunk I can't remember how all that ended ,but after that we asked a guy what happend and he told us the story. He was kinda gangster ,but anyway cool. We drunk a beer together and he told us some funny stories , like he gets sometimes in a bloodthirstiness and does not hear anything just hearing the blood splash... smart guy ;-)

Hope you enjoyed this two partystories :-))

Greetings Riou

hearing: Fatboy Slim - weapon of choice

April 8, 2007


Happy Easter everybody! =D

I just gonna blog shortly about my holidays so far. I didn't do much jet , simply spent my days chilling and stuff. I finished my driving licence theroy lessons and Uwe and me reached semi-finals of the DotA tournament I told you about.
Today and tomorrow I gonna celebrate Easter with my family a bit . I don't really like this "public holiday thing" , because everbody tries to be in good fancy and everything is so extremly factitious. Although in my honest opinion all these days are devilish commerce . Maybe you think different and in that case I feel happy for you , but I can't change myself in that way.

Greetings Riou

Hearing: The Von Bondies - C'mon C'mon

April 2, 2007

"Holidays aye" edit aka. women , alcohol and DotA

As I wrote my last post, no headline came up to my mind and I asked a friend if he could help me and he just said "women , alcohol and DotA" ( lovely combination if you ask me =D ) , but it also striked to my head that I hadn't wrote about women and DotA ... not even close. I decided to take a different headline and post what I wrote ,but what I am now going to write is some kind of a preedit ( I still think I just made up this word and it wouldn't make sense at all , but sounds cool doesn't it? It should be some kind of edit in any way :O ) . I will write again about the weekend , but in a different way. People wished that I should write more about intrigues and scandals from for exampel my school age-group and this post is a first try in that direction. If you like it or not you should write in comments ;) have fun

Lets start with alcohol. As usual I drank Wodka with energy and cola or turkish pepper , but (unbelievable) I thought of drinking something different next party. The reason can't be "sameness" , because i drink that since I can think and I never doubt about that. Although I will try something different in the next time ;)
With alcohol also the first scandal raises ( even if it's not that dramatic :p ). At the party there were no quickies left at arround 23:00 !!! The host of the party missed sooo much money with that , because everybody spent a bag of money on quickies , even I spent my whole money on them.
To the "women point" I can't say much or better... don't want to say much. Maybe in the next posts I will pick up that topic.
The DotA point could be really borring for some people ,but as it was wished I gonna write about it... DotA is a online game ( What is DotA? ) in wich I highly take part in and I think it came to the mind of my friend ,because I am taking part in a tournament over eastern and it costs me some time in practise , strategy thoughts and organisation. The first game should be today ,but by virtue of a misunderstanding my mate Uwe ( it is a 2vs2 tournament) wasn't able to play and I had trouble to postpone the game ,but everything went "fine". I will post result of tournament ,but I don't think I will write again about that issue. I just give you some Links on the way: My Clan , League Rooster of my Clan . My Clan is kinda oldschool in the DotA community and it exists since ages. I'm called "in10city" there ... don't ask me why!

Back to intrigues and scandals. I heard that two people of my school age-group (Hauke and Motje) had something "in common" yesterday , but i don't know if that are facts and I don't want to speculate on such a finical topic ,but I gonna keep you up-to-date.
Last scandal ( and that really hurts my soul ) is the certainity ,that Jonas hs no money left for whole April and due to that the project "Kartour" is in danger! You should subscribe him some money !

Hope you enjoyed this different way of writing and who knows? Maybe I gonna write more posts in this direction... I feel dirty now ;)

Greetings Riou

Hearing: The Roots - The Seed

April 1, 2007

Holidays aye

Some friends of mine told me that they really like my blog and my language ,which I highly admire , and thats a good inducement to even write more posts :-))

Holidays started friday and I finally have some time to relax. But before relaxing the beginning of the holidays had to be celebrated and therefore I went to party yesterday ;)
Me and two other good friends ( Malte and Jonas) started drinking at Malte's home and arround leaving time I was already kinda squiffy. The party was in a big barn and there were over 300 people and a lot friends of mine. It was kinda amusing ,but me and Jonas just stayed till 4 o'clock or something, because our alcohol was empty, and went back to Malte's house. A lot of people had to sleep there and due to that I had to sleep on a one meter long couch ^_^
The last people arrived at arround 8 o'clock and the house looked very chaotic .. everywhere was somebody laing and even Malte's brother had to sleep on the ground for some time ,because he barred himself out of his own room x)

This week I will just relax some ( as I said ) and maybe go from time to time partying. I just planed to go to the movie "300" and I gonna participate in a project called Kartour.

Greetings Riou

ps : hearing right now: The Subways - oh yeah